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Tag Archives: Eastside Yoga Teacher Training
Prenatal Yoga Workshop
Been a busy week. Didn’t have much chance to sit at the computer and write. I find that I miss it when I don’t leave time for personal reflection. Trying to carve out a little space now, between work and … Continue reading
Ayurveda Workshop with Dr. Sisira
No asanas for this Sunday session of shala. We learned about Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, from Dr. Sisira Premarathna. A gentle, quiet man who learned his craft from his father and grandfather. A third generation Ayurvedic doctor. One … Continue reading
Saturday afternoon at Yoga School
A mixed bag of yoga school fun on a Saturday afternoon.
Yoga therapy with Lynn Medow
One of the many things that I enjoy about yoga school is learning from the teachers who had trained Dianne. They’ve been extremely supportive in the development of the shala at Eastside Yoga. They’ve had experience with yoga, in how … Continue reading
Yoga at the Wall Workshop
“I’m tired after working so hard today!”, I told one of my yoga teacher training colleagues. We had just finished a five hour workshop.
Observing a Yoga Practice
As part of yoga teacher training, I spent some time this week observing classes. Being a fly on the wall, so to speak. It’s so different watching compared to actually participating in the class. Like being in a pose that … Continue reading
A Mentor for Yoga Teacher Training
Reality has finally hit me now because we’ve moved into the second half of shala. It’s time to go beyond just talking about yoga. It’s time to start teaching it.
Yoga school midterm test
Can’t believe that we’re halfway done yoga school already!
Sitting and breathing
Imagine clouds floating in sky. Notice the shapes that they make…then let them drift by. Observe the blue spaces in between the clouds.
Yoga Basics
What would it be like to start all over again? I can remember how it felt when I went for my first yoga classes at the studio. My only experience up until then was from an article in a magazine. … Continue reading