Surprise – it’s been seven years!

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I’m not keeping score.  Really, I’m not.

I’ve been cultivating a mediation practice for 7 years now.  Wow.  I only figured that out when I went to put away my 2014 meditation journal and realized I had a bunch of Moleskin notebooks already in storage.

I haven’t re-read any of them.  Never felt the need.  Which is the point of being mindful, I guess.  Those moments were now in the past.

I’ve been tempted to choose other styles of journals (I did covet a red hardcover Moleskin book for a while).  But I kept returning to the idea that I wanted my meditation practice to be regular, steady and reliable.  Changing the journal would distract me from that, I thought.

I remember when I first started, one of my mentors told me that my meditation practice could be something I’d come to rely on.  I didn’t take that too seriously then because I didn’t want the added pressure and responsibility of her comment.  I just made sure I tried to sit and that was enough to make me keep coming back.

I laid the journals out like dominos and put my new 2015 Moleskin notebook on top.  I liked the sameness of them, all together.  Not sure what I’ll do with them.  Maybe I’ll have a ritual burning one day?

I’m thankful for discovering meditation and how the practice has sustained me.  I’m not claiming to be “holier-than-thou” for doing it.  I just know it’s something I have to keep doing because everything makes a little more sense when I make the time to sit with my breath and thoughts.

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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