The Interview

My interview was scheduled for 5 days after I submitted my app.

Over those 5 days, I did not get one email from Dianne.  It seemed strange because I know that she is a voracious reader and would have devoured my app as soon as she got it.  I was expecting a comment!  Hmmm.  Probably wanting to play it professional, I thought, and wait until the interview to talk about what I’d written.

Yep, that was it.  When I got to the studio this morning, Dianne was there.  She asked me if I was nervous.  I said, “No, not with you!”.  She said that she had been waiting anxiously since 7:30 am for our 8:15 am appointment.  This new yoga school is her baby and she wanted to do it right.  I am the first student to be assessed.

So we talked.  About the yoga experiences that I’d had.  There was the two week vacation in March, where I dropped into a variety of Vancouver yoga studios.   Yoga at the Wall and Anusara workshops at Eastside.  The amazing Anusara weekend in Detroit with John Friend.  In studio workshops on Kundalini yoga and meditation.  I was hooked.  I wanted to deepen my practice.  If anything else came from it, that would be great.

When she asked “What does yoga mean to me?”, I told her that it was a way to find my true self.  There is so much “noise” in my world that sometimes it is hard to hear what my inner self is guiding me to do.  I had read Stephen Cope‘s books and attended his workshop at Kripalu.  That April weekend intensive with Stephen really resonated with me.  He emphasized that you need to be quiet and investigate what is going on in the thoughts that arise as you sit.

It was a relaxed conversation.  Being a yoga geek is more fun if you can talk about it to someone who is just as geeked!  🙂

And so, I am accepted.  Made my down payment.  No looking back now!

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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