Cat's out of the bag

Less than 24 hours and the cat is out of the bag!

I wasn’t going to tell anyone that I was starting this blog.  Not even my husband. Not yet.  Only after I posted my first entry did I catch my brother on-line and show him.  He’s trying to do a blog too.

But then, this afternoon, I got a reply to my first post.  It was Dianne!  She had found my blog.  Well, actually her husband did.  Was I ever surprised!  Oh well.  Guess that saved me from trying to keep it quiet.

I am excited to think that people will read my stuff.  I am frightened that I will self-edit because people will read my stuff.  You know what I mean?  Really.  What was I expecting?  This is a blog after all.

How do I retain my authenticity?  How do I hear my own voice amongst the noise?  All I can do is write for myself.

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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