Happy Chinese New Year!

How could I resist! After all, it’s the Year of the Dog. I had to write a post to celebrate one of my fav animals. Part of this blog’s title includes a nod to the canine species. And I’m a small animal veterinarian, of Chinese-Canadian descent. Need to remember this one as a future yoga class theme…

As I love to cook and eat, I made dinner with my Mom. Turnip root cakes (Lo Bok Go) & leek and chicken dumplings (both store bought and then fried at home). Sweet and sour tempeh. Braised baby bok choy, with Five Spice beef. A toast to the New Year with a shot of Remy Martin. Vegan carrot cake cupcakes, with digestion soothing chrysanthemum Chinese tea, to finish. My Dad got lots of leftovers to keep him satisfied for several meals.

A simple meal to celebrate.

Gung Hai Fat Choy!

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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