“My kingdom for my iPhone!”, to paraphrase a famous quote.
I left my cell at home today.
There was only 32% left on the battery. I love the new iPhone OS update but it does seem to drain “the juice” pretty quickly. So I plugged it in to recharge and left it on the kitchen counter.
Then I remembered my phone was still there, halfway out on my drive to the clinic. I schemed about how I might go home at lunch to pick it up.
Whoa, Nelly! Was I that dependent on my phone?
I quickly decided to leave it at home and continue on with my day. I’d survive a few hours without it. This was just attachment, otherwise known as the klesha called raga. My longing for this thing was not very healthy. So I reminded myself that I needed to let go of my clinging for an object. After all, it wouldn’t disappear from the kitchen counter.
I admit that I have an addiction to my iPhone. But you have to believe me when I say that I really do use it for work! (Sure so does everyone else, you’re thinking…) I take photos of patients with skin disease or pics of biopsy samples through the lens piece of the microscope (learned that when teaching an anatomy course). I use the calculator to figure out weights and doses. I use the calendar to help clients pinpoint the date when the problem first started in their pet or when they need to come back for a recheck visit. I update the clinic’s Facebook Fan Page with tips, reminders and photos.
In my personal life, I love to read books on it (no more overdue books or library cards that end up in the laundry because I forget it in my pocket). I stay in touch with my siblings and friends by email, keep lists of things that need to be done, check the weather, find out how to get from place A to B. I use it to play music for my yoga classes, as a timer for my morning meditation and as a way to work on this blog.
It’s a sign of the times that such a little handheld device can do so much.
However, forgetting my iPhone at home today reminded me that it’s just a crutch, albeit a useful one. I consider it an efficient, time-saving tool. I find it does make my day more interesting and fun. But I didn’t need it to help my clients with their pets or to interact with the clinic staff. I didn’t need it to survive.
Just trying to keep it all in perspective…