Tap, tap, tap

I write these posts for my own enjoyment.  And I’m thrilled to share it with those of you that read this blog, of course.  I’m so happy to get feedback from family and friends saying they wait eagerly for the next installment to appear.  Thank you all for checking in at D3!

Blogging gives me a chance to sort out the stuff that’s been lounging about in my head.  Thinking about yoga is new for me.  I’ve never explored this kind of multi-dimensional environment before.  I’m fascinated, awed and inspired.  I don’t think that I’m alone in wondering about these topics.  Sometimes, it can be a challenge to put the ideas into words.  I’ve discovered a lot in doing it.

I try to keep a schedule because I find that writing regularly improves my technique.  Feeling the flow of a sentence or a paragraph takes practice, like anything else.  I’m working towards a minimalist blogging style, similar to what you see over at mnmlist.com and zenhabits.net.  I can only get better by doing.  I compare it to practicing yoga asanas.  I’ve got to build up my stamina (mentally and physically) so that I can move into some of the more advanced poses.  To train my literary muscles, I’ve got to keep tapping away at the keyboard.

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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