September – a time for new beginnings

For many, the day after Labour Day has come to represent the unofficial start of a New Year.

Students go back to school. Parents and teachers have to get ready. I should include students of all ages, since several of our summer clinic staff are going back to college or university this week. You should have been with me at Staples yesterday. I went shopping for pen refills (I’m very particular about my writing implements), out of morbid curiousity. It was a mad house!

Driving to the clinic is a little slower. I usually try to time it so that I miss the congestion that occurs when the big yellow bus stops to pick up the children. It’s amusing to watch the groups of kids as they wait, some with parents and the occasional dog.

Summer vacation time is done. No more staying up late. Many seasonal tourist attractions start to wind down. Actually, “off-season” is my favourite time of year to travel since it’s less crowded.

I’m engulfed by the events at this time of year. “Back to school” ads for clothing, stationary, groceries…the barrage is endless. For the last few weeks, I’ve been reminding clients to mimic their Fall timetable so that their pets aren’t too confused once everyone leaves the house for the day. As for the rule about “no wearing white after Labour Day”? I only own one pair of white capris so it’s not a big deal for me.

We all seem to reset our schedules.

What I’ve enjoyed about entering September is the chance to look back at what I did this summer and what awaits me in the months ahead. This year, I’ve used it as an opportunity for reflection instead of regret over what I have or haven’t accomplished. It’s good to pause and take a look around. I need these markers in time to help me be mindful of the passage of days.

And to be honest, I’m glad that I don’t have to go back to school anymore!

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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