What the Yin now?

YIN with Gwen Mondays 2016 REV 1

It’s been a year of change and growth for my yoga practice and classes.  (Still trying to figure it all out…)  Thanks to Integrative Healing Arts Studio for hosting my Monday night Yin classes this winter.  Grateful to those who continue to show up for a Yin practice and to listen to my stories. 🙂

Fortunately, the Monday night Yin tradition will continue for the summer of 2016, at a new location. I’ll be holding classes at the Pajama Angels Headquarters (yes, they are the Yoga 4 Hope organizers).  Click on the image (thanks Darlene for an awesome flyer!) to check out the details on Yin classes this summer.

$15 drop in fee // Monday, 7-8 pm // 452 Charles Street, Windsor, ON

June 3, 13, 20, 27 //  July 11, 18, 25 //  Aug 8, 15, 22

Classes are suitable for all levels (great for beginners just getting into yoga!).  Yin helps to:

slow down

lengthen fascia, tendons and ligaments

develop mindfulness and body awareness.

Partial proceeds from each drop-in fee will be donated to Yoga 4 Hope, to benefit local cancer research, those needing assistance as they journey through cancer and the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association.

Looking forward to playing in a new space, practicing with familiar faces, meeting newcomers and getting my yoga on!

For more information, you can email me at downwarddogdvm@gmail.com, message me on Facebook or catch me on Twitter (@DownwardDogDVM).

About downwarddogdvm

Just a small animal vet trying to live her yoga.
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